EcotoxicoMic 2022


3rd International Conference in Microbial Ecotoxicology

November 15-18, 2022

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The EcotoxicoMic 2022 international congress, dedicated to microbial ecotoxicology and organised in Montpellier in November 2022, follows on the first two editions, organised in November 2017 in Lyon and in October 2020 in virtual format. For this third edition, several initiatives will be implemented to encourage the participation of young researchers.

Microbial ecotoxicology lies at the interface of several scientific fields such as ecology, microbiology, toxicology, soil physics, hydrology, chemistry, bioprocesses, agronomy, etc. A multidisciplinary approach is necessary to decipher the relationships between microorganisms and the contaminants to which they are exposed in their environment. The collaboration of scientists from different backgrounds is required to better understand and control the impacts of contamination on microorganisms and their consequences on the functioning of ecosystems and to propose solutions to control these impacts.

The dissemination in the environment of toxic compounds resulting from human activities leads to the urgent need of scientific information about their effects on human and ecosystem health. Reducing the toxic effects of these contaminants is a major challenge of the Anthropocene for which it is essential to improve our understanding of the fate of these compounds in the environment and their effects on living organisms. Microorganisms are essential to life on earth and play a vital role in the major biogeochemical cycles. They are major actors in the eco-dynamics of contaminants, through their role in their transport, transformation or degradation. Microbial communities exposed to contaminants are nonetheless impacted in their structure and functions. The great diversity of the microbial world offers the possibility of studying a wide range of situations, from the fine mechanisms of expression and attenuation of toxicity in model organisms to the complex interactions within microbial communities in the environment. As early warning signs of chemical pressure in the environment, these microorganisms are good candidates for use as model organisms in environmental risk assessment. Furthermore, their ability to interact with contaminants makes microorganisms efficient agents of depollution that can be exploited in bioremediation.

For this new edition of EcotoxicoMic 2022, we want to highlight emerging issues, directly related to the interests of our scientific community. To this end, we are proposing 3 classical sessions and two invited sessions, which will be organised by a team outside the scientific and organising committees, following a call for contributions (see information in the description of the sessions below). In order to consolidate the involvement of international partners, the organisers of the event have decided to include international members in the SC and to invite five international speakers to present the plenary lectures. This active participation of international partners is a concrete expression of the desire to open up the event internationally, which was initiated in 2017. Moreover, several actions will be proposed to promote the participation of young researchers and to highlight their work. Finally, the opening towards a wider public will be done by the organisation of a free public evening open to all (in association with Pint of Science). 

Sessions description and confirmed keynote speakers are now available




Remember to register for the conference!

Ecotoxicomic 2020 and 2017

For the past 8 years, the scientific community dealing with microbial ecotoxicology has been structured, at the instigation of French researchers, within the EcotoxicoMic network, first at the national level, then by opening up to international partners and colleagues.

Today, 202 members from 41 countries are part of the network. This scientific community has been gathered for the first time in 2017 at the first international EcotoxicoMic congress. With more than 200 participants from 22 countries, and 120 oral and poster presentations, this event demonstrated the richness and diversity of the research conducted in microbial ecotoxicology, and has stimulated numerous debates and new research perspectives, in particular to better take into account the complexity of the systems studied and to evaluate the risks due to the emergence of new contaminants.

Three years later, the second EcotoxicoMic 2020 meeting was entirely organised in virtual format due to health restrictions. Despite this unfavourable context, this virtual edition was a success with 131 participants from 21 countries, 37 oral communications and 76 communications in "poster" or "flash presentation" format on the latest advances and discoveries as well as new tools in the field. An exchange forum, created especially for the occasion, allowed rich interactions between participants and speakers with 600 connections and 200 comments over the 4 days.



We are happy to announce the opening for submission of papers for the thematic issue of the journal FEMS Microbiology Ecology entitled “Microbial Ecotoxicology: from the lab to the field”.
Full length Research Papers or Mini-reviews/Perspective can be submitted until January 2023.
Further information of the thematic issue can be found here.

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